Renowned for his visionary prowess in directing, photography, and music production, Robert Ascroft emerged as a prominent figure in the 2000s, forging his path through collaborations with luminaries of the Oscars, Grammys, Tonys, and Emmys.

Expanding upon his talents in the visual realm, Robert has delved deeper into songwriting and music production. A classically trained guitarist turned music producer, he weaves intricate melodies and evocative songwriting style that embodies his cinematic narratives. Often inspired to compose music for the projects he is directing, Robert seamlessly blends visual and auditory elements to create immersive experiences.

The collaborative debut single, “Faded Photograph” featuring Ruth Radelet of Chromatics, offers a ethereal blend of synth-based Dream Pop and introspective lyrics. Ascroft’s directorial vision shines through in the music video, channeling classic Sci-Fi elements to complement the song’s nostalgic charm. Together both sonically and visually, Ascroft and Radelet breathe life into “Faded Photograph,” infusing it with timeless appeal and cinematic splendor.

Ascroft’s following single, “Empty Pages,” features vocals from Zumi Rosow (of Black Lips) and drumming from Derek James. The latter aimed to channel Mo Tucker — a shared favorite of his and Ascroft’s — as a percussionist, and Rosow’s vocal melody soars atop vibrating guitar fuzz straight out of the Lower East Side in the late ‘60s. At once mesmerizing and energetic, the song leaves room for interpretation through it’s meaningful lyrics. Ascroft’s cinematic flair shines through in the music video, which draws from ‘90s Italian Vogue editorials.

Stay tuned for Ascroft’s upcoming album, due out in early 2025.

“a haunted psychedelic swirl” – STEREOGUM

“timeless appeal and cinematic splendor” – NORTHERN TRANSMISSIONS

“beautifully warm and endearing” – FLEX

“Radelet’s dreampop world” – BROOKLYN VEGAN

“one of the most endearing songs we have heard all year” – FILTER


PHOTO by Luz Gallardo
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PHOTO by Robert Ascroft
lo-res / hi-res / poster

PHOTO by Robert Ascroft
lo-res / hi-res / poster




1. Empty Pages (feat. Zumi Rosow)

HDD119 – S2  · RELEASE DATE: August 30, 2024

Music by Robert Ascroft
Vocals: Zumi Rosow
Guitar, keys, bass: Robert Ascroft
Drums, percussion: Derek James
Vocal Engineer : Enrique Tena Padilla
Mixed: Robert Ascroft
Engineer: Ted Young
Mastering: Josh Bonati / Bonati Mastering



1. Faded Photograph (feat. Ruth Radelet)

HDD119 – S1  · RELEASE DATE: May 31, 2024

Music and lyrics by Robert Ascroft and Ruth Radelet
Produced by Robert Ascroft
Mixed by Robert Ascroft and Josh Bonati
Engineered by Ted Young
Mastered by Josh Bonati
Ruth Radelet : vocals
Robert Ascroft : guitar, keys, bass, percussion
Derek James : drums

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